How much is my Drip Network portfolio worth after 9 months?

I started investing in Drip Network in November 2021. I invested around $1000 and got around 30 tokens at an average of around $33 per coin. 

I began compounding daily and I saw the token grow in value quickly at the start of 2022. 

It reached an all time high of $168 on 26th January 2022.


Drip network all time high

The beauty of drip network is that the holders of drip tokens can only withdraw 1% of their holdings everyday. 

For example, If someone has 100 drip tokens, they will be able to just withdraw 1 token per day. So as the price of drip tokens reached an all time high, I felt that many of the early adopters of Drip might take profits.

As it started dipping, I thought of taking my initial investment out and let the rest ride.

I claimed 1% of my drip tokens for 15 days and I recouped my $1000 investment in Drip.

What's the value of my Drip portfolio as of July 2022

Drip network token

After recouping my initial investment, I started compounding everyday and the price of drip token has taken a huge beating.

From $168 to just around $5 in 6 months, it was a bloodbath.

Is it worth investing in Drip now?

  1. It can even go to $0 as it’s declining every day.
  2.  The best part is starting with even $100 can get 20 drip tokens today and so if you can afford to lose $100, now is a good time to start. If it goes to even $20 per token, you will make 4x your investments.
  3. I am planning to keep compounding for a month or two and then wait to see if it goes up. 
Disclaimer: This post is not to be considered as financial advice. Please do your due diligence before investing in risky assets like crypto.